Monday, July 25, 2011

Miss Amy's Toddler Class

Wow, this Summer has flown by! It has been

a great one with this class of fun and creative kids!!

Here are a few things we've been doing:

Popsicles are great, not only for eating, but for painting with too.

And, of course, getting messy is always fun!

Shaving Cream


Looking at the discovery board:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Welcome to the Circus!

We had several acts performing in the big top. One of those was our amazing motorcycle stuntman! Besides him, we also had gymnasts, singers, and dancers.
What would a circus be without clowns?!

The class seemed to really enjoy our in-class circus. As an added bonus, we were also able to celebrate our classmate's birthday! It couldn't have been any better!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mrs. Becky's Class

Painting our paper mache bowls.
Playing in the centers room they said they were making their very own puzzle!
Our girls making headbands!

Our stepping stone project, while we were mixing it one student said; "We are mixing chocolate to put sea shells in the chocolate."

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Launch It

The kids in Launch It have been having a blast:)

~Ms. Abby

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mrs. Celeste's 2 Year old class

The 2 year class has been having a fun, busy month. The kids have enjoyed painting with neon colored pudding paint and licking it off their fingers too! Yum! They also made print paintings using scouring pads and sponges. Beautiful masterpieces were made. We celebrated Dad at our annual fishing tournament. Everyone had a great time! Dad's gift was a colorful frame with the kids picture in it that they painted. Some fun things in our sensory table have been popcorn, ice, frozen green beans,and beans. We made some blueberry scented playdough this past week using the juice from real blueberries. Smells so good and fun to play with too! We enjoy building tall towers with tinkertoys and blocks. Our favorite thing to do is to play in the dark with flashlights and hunt for dinosaurs while stomping on bubblewrap. We will be celebrating the 4th on Tuesday. We made t shirts and hats to wear and will be eating some red, white and blue snacks. Yummo! This month we will be having an icecream week, candy creations, art with glass and make watering cans out of recyclable products. Thanks for allowing me to be part of your childrens lifes. They are all very special to me!