Friday, April 29, 2011

Ms. Lisa's Class: Works In Progress

"The real magic wand is the child's own mind." ~ Jose Ortega Gasset

Adding finishing touches to our group art project. They love sticking stickers, mostly on themselves or me!

Red + Yellow = ORANGE

We've been busy painting but we're not finished yet.'s a surprise!

"Will you play with me?"

Happy faces and new friends.

"The soul is healed by being with children." ~ Dostoevsky

Thank you for trusting me with your precious ones.

~Ms. Lisa

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Time flies...

...when you're a busy toddler.

We created nests and talked about how birds make their homes in trees or birdhouses.

We practice words by talking, singing and signing.

"I love YOU!"

We learn to focus and use our fine-motor skills. Playing "Where is it?" makes clean-up time lots of fun, too.

We had an Egg Hunt!

The best game is hide-and-seek in the BIG RED TUNNEL!

What are we gonna do today, Ms. Lisa?

Let's have a string fling!

We created a fun way to move our toys around.

Boxes are SO COOL!
We even made a TRAIN! Whoo-whoot!

Chasing Rainbows in Ms. Lisa's Class

Do you know the colors of the rainbow? We have so much fun learning about colors with crayons. Mostly the activity involved is scribbling or making random marks, but there are times when deliberate doodles or circles are drawn. The toddlers are always free to explore with their colors. One toddler was delighted with the result of coloring with a bundle of three or four crayons at the same time. It was a color explosion in a tiny fist!

They enjoy working solo or together with friends.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Touchy Feely Toddlers

The toddlers have been exploring textures and in the process making huge messes (which is ALWAYS fun).

Some things we have experimented with include beans, rice, pasta, sticky tape, glue, paint, water, spray bottles, large beads, feathers, sandpaper, fabric, ribbon.......anything their busy, curious fingers can get ahold of. Sometimes they create interesting artwork in the process, which makes the mess seem not so huge.

Getting ready to paint!
The kids painted the sky as a background to which I later added grass, a tree, and their handprint redbirds.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Few of Our Favorite Things!

These are a few of our favorite things!

When we aren't working in the garden.....

We are busy being creative in other ways! We love building tents.
We use sticks, pvc pipes, chairs and blankets for our tents.

Then, we "decorate" with pillows, shells, birds, and marbles! :)

We love to invite everyone in.

Don't worry...we will scare the "bad guys" with our mean voices!

We love playing games in the yellow room! We are using "positional" words.
Can you sit on your table with your carpet square over your head?
We love Pre-K!!!